1st SM East Asia Region Forum in Hong Kong
— Simply Mobilizing August 2019
The Simply Mobilizing (SM) East Asia Region Forum recently held their first meeting in Hong Kong with six representatives and one observer/translator, from South Korea, Japan, China, as well as Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.
Rev. James C, East Asia Global Region Coordinator, presided the meeting. The participants of the meeting discussed the roles and functions of the Global Region Forum (GRF) and Global Region Team (GRT), and reviewed the translation and running of the SM courses, royalty payment, and the level of franchise of the countries in the region.

Some key decisions were made in the Forum. The group also decided to hold a National Coordinator Team training for the region by September 2020 shortly after the SM Global Conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The next GRF meeting is also scheduled prior to the Conference.
All the participants really appreciated the warm hospitality of SM Hong Kong and the delicious meals served throughout the meeting.
Taken from a report by Jay Ryu.