Meet Our People
International Oversight

Max Chismon
International Director
Max is the International Director of Simply Mobilizing. He works with an international leadership team in overseeing the work of Simply Mobilizing in over eighty countries worldwide. Max and his wife, Dorothy, are from New Zealand, but they have been based in the Philippines since the late 1970s. They have two grown-up children (both born in the Philippines) and six grandchildren.

Lecille Garcia
General Manager
Lecille is from Butuan City. She serves as the SM General Manager, and has worked at the International Center for more than 20 years. She has been involved in each of the phases and development of SM. Lecille has two grown -up children. Aside from her role at SM, she and her husband, Edgar, enjoy pastoring a growing church in Butuan City, Philippines.

Peter McDougall
Chief Financial Officer
Peter is from New Zealand, and living in Sydney, Australia. He presently serves Simply Mobilizing as its Chief Financial Officer, as well as the Global Region Coordinator for Oceania.

Dorothy Chismon
Product Development Coordinator
Dorothy is the Product Development Coordinator. She oversees the development of the SM courses, programs and seminars. She works with a team at the International Center in Butuan, as well as with others who come to the Center on a short term basis or from a distance. She is the wife of Max Chismon. They are both from New Zealand. They have two grown-up children and six grandchildren.

Ruth Quisquirin
Training Development Coordinator
Ruth, or more known in the SM family as Ting, is the Training Development Coordinator for Simply Mobilizing. She works with teams to continuously improve and develop Simply Mobilizing’s training pathways. Ruth has been part of the National Coordination Team in the Philippines since 2014. She is based in Cebu, Philippines.

Geof Gunton
Associate Director
After being introduced to the Kairos course in 2007, Geof Gunton attended the 2008 conference with one question: “How can we introduce that course to Venezuela?” Over the next decade God used him and others to not only run courses there, but also for Simply Mobilizing to be introduced to 10 Latin American countries. Since then, SM Latin America has grown under the guidance of a strong Global Region Team and Forum. Geof now serves Simply Mobilizing as our Associate Director. He along with his wife (Marion) are committed to empowering our leaders all over the world.

Marion Gunton
International Translations Coordinator
Marion Gunton has been involved in the running of numerous SM courses since 2009. For more than a decade she has been behind the scenes, yet very active in her support of growing SM teams in Latin America. During 2022 and again in 2023 she (along with her husband, Geof) had 6–7-month blocks at the SMI Center in the Philippines, and while there she agreed to take on the Int’l Translation Coordinator role. Though she has never actually been directly involved in any specific translation project, she has interacted with numerous teams engaged in translation projects in different parts of the world, and she is ably assisted by Geof who learnt so much as he served as part of the Spanish Kairos review team.

Katherine Cuyuca
Global Desk
Katherine is from Butuan City, Philippines. She serves as the Global Desk and Financial Administrator of SM, handling the necessary communications to and from the SM family all over the globe. She also handles the set-up of the Course Manager for teams, and attends to issues encountered by users when they arise. In addition, she also works as administrative staff for the SMI Center.

James Quisquirin
Chairman of the Board
James is the Global Region Coordinator for South East Asia. Based in Cebu, Philippines, he mentors young pastors and workers for the ministry, especially in missions. He also serves as the National Coordinator for Simply Mobilizing Philippines, Inc. He is married to Cecilia Quisquirin, and is blessed with three children, Mark, Ruth, and Philip.

Ma. Elena Bicaldo
Board Member
Ma. Elena, also known as Beng, is a missionary of Tribal Mission Foundation International, Inc, based in Davao City, Philippines. She serves in various capacities: community worker, trainer and director. She is also passionate in seeing churches mobilized and partnering together for world missions. Beng also serves as Coordinator of the Simply Mobilizing Philippines – Davao Regional Coordinating Team.

Randy Hultman
Board Member
Randy serves on the United States National Coordination Team and on the SMI Board of Trustees. He is a retired IT manager who in 2015 was called into the ministry of mobilization through Simply Mobilizing. His passion is to see the local church awakened to their calling to be on mission with God. Lynda, his wife, is a Kairos facilitator. They have two children and three grandchildren.

Raymond Valdez
Board Member
Raymond is from Manila, Philippines. He has been serving with Simply Mobilizing since 2002 as a Mobilizer and Kairos Head Facilitator. He helps the Manila Regional Team of Simply Mobilizing Philippines in mobilizing churches for the world Christian movement. He is a retired banker and now a missionary-trainer serving with Evangelism Explosion Philippines together with his wife, Dang, and their team of discipler-trainers. They are blessed with three grown-up children, Krizsa Ruth, Keanu Rei, and Krystal Rae.

Miguelito Miguel
Board Member

Ken Chua
Council of Elders
Ken of Singapore is a member of the Council of Elders of Simply Mobilizing International. He pioneered and founded the Empowered to Influence course. He is involved in the national team of SM Singapore, and is also involved in mobilizing the marketplace (workplace) ministry.

Linda Harding
Council of Elders
Linda hails from the UK. She facilitates the development of Simply Mobilizing in Europe, mentors mobilizers, and provides guidance on growing a mobilization movement for mission in Europe. She also serves as an advisor to SM internationally, and seeks to encourage the development of Level 1 mobilizers globally.

Keith Koster
Council of Elders
Keith is from South Africa. He is the Global Region Coordinator for Southern Africa, National Coordinator for South Africa, as well as one of the Simply Mobilizing Council of Elders. He also serves as the Senior Pastor of Petra Ministries in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Jay Ryu
Member, International Leadership Team

Hugo Matos
Member, International Leadership Team
Aside from being the Global Region Coordinator for Latin America, Hugo serves as the National Coordinator in the Dominican Republic. Since 2006, Hugo has served with the Dominican Missionary Cooperation (COMIDOM) and is currently its Executive Director. He has extensive experience in coaching, and has mentored leaders from 15 countries in five continents. He is also co-founder, alongside his wife Tania, of the Pioneers mission agency in the Caribbean, where he functions as Executive Director.

Daniel Appiah
Member, International Leadership Team
Daniel is an ordained minister who serves as the National Missions Director of Fullstature Missions International Ghana. He is also the Training Director of the Ghana Evangelical Missions Association (GEMA). Daniel has been serving with Simply Mobilizing International since 2013. He is the Global Region Coordinator for West Africa, as well as the National Coordinator for Ghana. He holds a BTH in Theology and a Master’s Degree in both Intercultural Leadership and Intercultural Studies.

Joel Kim
Member, International Leadership Team
Joel currently serves as the Global Region Coordinator for MENA. He is an ordained pastor, and has previously worked in the marketplace with an MBA degree, as well as CPA practice in the USA.

Erika Pretorius
Member, International Leadership Team
Erika is one of the two SM Global Region Coordinators of Eurasia. Along with Marinda Coetzee, she is one of the executive directors of CrossMinistries, a ministry focused on mobilizing and training church leaders and young people to find their role in God’s mission locally and globally. She is an ordained pastor, and has a doctorate degree in theology.

Mika Kosonen
Member, International Leadership Team