Coming Together at the SM Europe Forum Gathering
Jennifer NagyJune 2022
After two years of the pandemic, over thirty (30) of our SM leaders from sixteen countries in Europe were finally able to gather in person for the SM Europe Forum held last May 20-22 in Boras, Sweden. Erika and Marinda, global region coordinators of SM EurAsia, also joined us in this momentous occasion.

Each and every one came together to help make the Forum a memorable experience – Mika from Sweden and his team’s anointed worship leading allowed us to experience God’s presence; Gus, Chinese Language Coordinator, gave an overview of our history, looking at where we came from, where we are, and where we are headed; Andreas and Mircea of Romania hosted a few of our sessions adding flavor and personality to the whole program; Rauno (Finland) and Stefan (Belgium) inspired us with their testimonies of mobilizing pastors and leaders; Erika and Marinda challenged us on how to use the ten paradigms from Interface to mobilize pastors using their vast experience within Eurasia. And this wasn’t all!
SM Youth Europe leader Timo led a workshop with special zoom guests, Noemi and Ettienne, on how to mobilize youth. This session challenged all mobilizers, churches, and pastors, not only youth workers, to mobilize our youth. Jennifer from Poland created a team integration challenge using random materials and assigned roles illustrating how to “extend our tent pegs”. Linda from UK inspired us about working out of our brokenness with the flexibility to change. Simeon from Bulgaria also led us in a morning devotion about “signs of a missional church” that truly challenged our participants. Adi from Romania then led us in our final workgroup session to dream big about Kairos 5.0 and develop the next steps in our countries’ mobilization journey. Times of fellowship were also developed around saunas and food, allowing for deepening of relationships, brainstorming of new ideas and formation of new partnerships.
Indeed, this gathering gave us renewed energy and inspiration as Duncan and Jan Weir from UK “commissioned” us all forward at the conclusion of our time together.