First Ever SM East Africa Leaders Summit A Success


Simply Mobilizing (SM) regional leaders from Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, and Tanzania joined the 1st ever East Africa Leaders Summit held in Nairobi, Kenya last July. A total of 118 were in attendance.

According to SM international director Max Chismon, the Summit was a huge success. He cites these highlights during the gathering: buy-in by pastors to SM’s new program on ‘missional churches’, the mobilizer training day and the half-day planning with the regional leaders.
For Sam Ngugi, East Africa global regional coordinator, what he saw as one highlight took place during the Interface workshop at the Summit where church leaders had a time of introspection and sharing on why they as leaders have missed growing missional churches. Sam notes that “there was a great sense of desire to return to the Biblical model and purpose of the Church.”

Among the future plans laid down during the Summit are the following:

  • Plan for more Interface seminars for Church Leaders
  • Hold an annual East Africa Global Region Consultation
  • Grow the tribe of level one mobilizers in the region

It is exciting to note that as there are more Christians in East Africa than in the whole of Europe, the potential for mission outreach is huge!

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