Message of
The great commission demands the great mobilization
Explained in
Two Minutes
There is a Need to Add Mobiology to Our Theology
Theology can be understood as a study in the belief and practice of the Christian faith. It has been around since the early centuries of the Christian Church. Various fields or branches of theology have emerged over the years focusing on particular areas of theological concern such as: Christology, pneumatology, soteriology, ecclesiology, eschatology, and in more recent times, missiology!
All these ‘ologies’ have added enormous value to the Church as it has sought to understand, as clearly as possible, the God to whom we belong, how best we can serve him and see him glorified.
With all the advances in theology however, no single expression of theology has developed that articulates the New Testament truth of the participation of all believers on mission with God.
This ought to be a matter of grave concern!
The Church, in general, is a sleeping giant, more focused it seems on temporal issues of this life rather than kingdom purposes of significance for both time and eternity. There seems to be a prevailing belief that a special call is needed before one should engage in missional activity. Such a belief, of course, is totally contrary to sound New Testament teaching. Not only does it tragically rob the unreconciled of their rightful access to the gospel, it also robs believers of their access to the pathway to maturity.
It is in seeking to address this concern that a new branch of theology is needed, that could be called ‘mobiology’.
Mobiology Explained
Mobiology explores reasons why God has called his people to engage with him on mission from the perspective of both fulfilling God’s mission agenda for the world and his agenda for his Church.
Simply Mobilizing’s expression of Mobiology is concerned with the mobilization of all God’s people into meaningful involvement in the world Christian movement and with local churches becoming truly missional.

The Underlying Core
Beliefs of Mobiology are:
The Bible is primarily a book about God on mission and that Jesus taught His disciples to interpret scripture in this missional context (Lk 24:46-47).
Our obedient participation with God in mission is designed by God to both bring about the reconciliation of people and peoples to himself and also to prepare his people as Christ’s Bride for God’s new world (Mk 8:34, Rev 19:7).
Mission defines the Church’s existence on earth. God’s people are first and foremost a missionary people (Ge 12:2-3).
Local churches are to facilitate the missional discipleship of all their people by providing opportunities and pathways, for their nurture, equipping and fruitful involvement, with God, on mission (Jn 10:14, Eph 2:10, 4:11-12, 2Ti 3:16-17).
All God’s people have been called, not only to believe but also to serve the advance and growth of Christ’s Kingdom on earth (2Co 5:18-20, Titus 2:13).
Movements are raised up by God in all generations to propel his Church forward in furthering his kingdom agenda and to maximize the missional opportunities that each generation provides (Mk 2:18, Lk 10:1, Ac 13:1-2, 2Co 10:16).