Growing in the prophetic ministry of mobilization
The Mobilizer Journey
SM Mobilizers are those who see themselves ‘called’ to the ministry of prophetic mobilization or led by the Lord to support the prophetic ministry of mobilization through their spiritual gifts such as administration, graphic design etc etc. The ‘journey’ is all about growing in fruitfulness and in ones skill level in being able to present the many courses and programs in the SM mobilizers ‘Tool Box’.

Discovery: Mobi 101
Mobi 101 is an introductory seminar in mobilization designed firstly, to provide a Biblical basis for the ministry of mobilization and secondly, to differentiate between the various mobilization ministry expressions. This seminar is helpful for those who feel called to the ministry of mobilization, to identify the precise mobilization expression God has called them to and where they can be most fruitful and find the most joy in their mobilization ministry.
Community: Mobi Groups
Growing as a mobilizer is a journey and journeying together with other mobilizers is a sure way for your journey to succeed. Mobi Groups are designed to create a ‘community’ where we can grow together through mutual encouragement, learning, praying for each other and engaging together in mobilization ministry as a team.

Training: School For Mobilizers
The School of Mobilizers is designed as a holistic training pathway to ensure that mobilizers receive the training, care and mentoring needed for successful mobilization and a lifelong journey into ever increasing mobilization fruitfulness. The School for Mobilizers involves formal, non-formal and informal training engaging with hearts, heads and hands and includes mentoring and coaching. Training will be available both on-line and in-person!
SM currently operates in more than 100 countries around the world, and SM Mobilizers can find opportunities to express their ministry within that context, in their own country or region. Various SM teams, whether national or regional, actively work towards growing, training, and empowering their pool of mobilizers. SM Mobilizers may also express their ministry beyond their country—New Nations Coordination Teams, for example, spearhead the advance of SM ministry in new countries.