Old Testament, Gospels, Book of Acts and Early Church. Where are we now heading?

Where are we now heading?


 We have been looking at the ‘world Christian movement: From my first post I have been attempting to lay a strong Biblical foundation. It is important that we see the world Christian movement as being rooted in Scripture both Old and New Testaments. I have also been wanting us to see that this is the single greatest happening on planet earth since the time of Christ and will be until he returns!

We started with the Book of Acts: 

  • Christianity was always intended by God to be a movement. Luke, in the Book of Acts, was careful to document the activities of those who were spearheading the advance into regions beyond.

Then we backtracked a little:

  • Jesus was a ‘movement’ Messiah. He revealed his intentions to include the Gentiles in this movement from the very beginning – it nearly cost him his life! He headquartered himself in a location that gave Him greatest access to all peoples!

  • The Old Testament was full of promises of a worldwide Christian movement, involving gentile nations! With the coming of Christ these promises burst onto the stage of human history Luke, the gentile writer, understood this. He wrote the Book of Acts, determined to let the whole world know that this momentous age had now begun!
  • Luke’s second book was written to reveal a seamless connection between what Jesus began to do and teach in the Gospels with what he continued to do and teach in the Book of Acts – now through His redeemed people. What he did as one man he could now replicate hundreds, thousands and millions of times over! The world Christian movement was ‘taking off!’
  • The first three hundred years saw the world Christian movement grow at a phenomenal pace and spread through out the entire Roman Empire. Christians had caught Christ’s vision for a global movement!
  • The work of the Holy Spirit can never be overemphasized. Christ rules, from His throne in glory, as Head of the Church and Lord of the Harvest, through the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit is the reason why 120 timid believers became dynamic communicators of Christ’s gospel, confounding the leaders of their day and turning their world upside down! So with that amazing foundation laid, how do we now proceed? Encouraging all followers of Jesus to participate meaningfully in the world Christian movement:’

Why is this so important? The answer is very simple – the world Christian movement is a movement of ‘the ministry of all believers!’

The early church was a ‘ministry of all believers movement:

Not only did the Apostles minister, so did everyone else (Ac 2:47). In fact non-apostles planted the most significant gentile church ever – the Church at Antioch (Ac 11:19-20)! The apostles not only ‘taught’ they also ‘trained!’ Paul preached in one city and one lecture hall for two years and yet all of Asia heard the gospel – those who heard told others (Ac 19:8-10)! Churches saw themselves as existing, primarily, for their ‘non-members; “The Lord’s message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia-your faith in God has become known everywhere’.’ (1Thes 1:8-10)

So, check your tickets! Are you on the correct flight? If so, fasten your seat belts – we are about to take off!