Promising Testimonies from The Unfinished Story for Youth (TUSfY) Trials
Noemi MarquesMay 2024
From October 2023-March 2024, we launched and trialled a new course, The Unfinished Story for Youth (TUSfY), across many regions and countries. Here are a few testimonies from those trials:
“Those who participated were very engaged from the start of Session 1 until the closing of Session 5. There were no dull moments whatsoever. I saw how it opened the eyes of our youth to learn about unreached people groups and consider ways to actively engage the unreached and the lost.”
“I love watching the video and the writing in the notebook. Everything was engaging and it was super fun to learn. Multifaceted, engaging, fun, fellowshipping, prayerful and easygoing.”

“I really enjoyed the fun activities that cemented the concepts that were brought forward by the facilitators. The videos were informative and the animations caught the eye, making it easy to follow along. The prayer chain idea was really cool. Being able to write out the prayer for the religious blocs stressed how important it is to pray for the unreached people.”
“TUSfy is an amazing interactive and filled with excitement course, helping young people understand their part in God’s world and His purpose for them in the times we are living in.”
“I loved how I did not lose my attention at any point during the course. It was so engaging and fast paced that even with ADHD I did not need to do anything else because I was always occupied. Loved the activities and getting to know my group better, we really became friends!”
“The creativity combined with the teaching was great. Brief and fun! Variety of activities/reading/videos!! Honestly, the entire course is amazing! It helped me understand God’s wise ways to use His people for His glory. I also love the prayer times!”
“It is an interactive and biblically grounded resource that seeks to cultivate a missional mindset among young believers. It is a very good program for any church that wants to inspire a missional mindset among the youth, equipping them to live out their faith in a way that actively contributes to the fulfillment of God’s mission.”
“We had 4 TUSfY courses over the past four months! The young people in all four countries loved it! In one training, we had medical students, most in their final year of studies and they all had such amazing creative ideas of how to live a life on mission with God in their profession. Eight of them want to work together to start the first Christian Doctors Association in a closed country. We also had some students and tribal peoples at another training. They all had many creative ideas on how to reach the many foreign students who come to study in their country.”
If you would like to know more about The Unfinished Story for Youth and how to run it in your church or country, contact Global Desk,