SM Global Development Consultation 2019


Forty-eight Simply Mobilizing (SM) mobilizers from 12 global regions joined the recently held SM Global Development Consultation (GDC) at the SMI Center in Butuan City, Philippines.

The 3-day GDC is the last of a series of planned consultations to help move the SM Vision 2020 forward, which will climax with the SM International Conference in 2020. This year’s Consultation included plenary sessions, group discussions, reports from the global regions as well as times of prayer and worship. Tributes were also given to Don Richardson whose videos have been part of the Kairos course and Ian Calo who had been involved with SM and with Kairos for two decades. Don passed away in December; Ian in February.

A brand new SM course, the Mobi Workshop, opened the GDC week.

The GDC participants are now eagerly continuing the work that will be celebrated at next year’s SM International Conference.

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