Youth Kairos Unveils Life’s Purpose and Role in God’s Story to Young Participants
Ruth QuisquirinMay 2024
During Holy Week, three Youth Kairos courses took place in different regions of the Philippines, with 20, 57, and 63 participants attending each session respectively.
Participants shared that they gained clarity regarding their life’s purpose and their part in God’s story. There is a great sense of appreciation to be part of God’s workforce in blessing others.
In one of the courses, 10 participants hailed from some of the Least Reached Peoples(LRP) in the Philippines. Key highlights from this particular course included:
• Increased awareness of the nations and God’s love for them
• Breaking out of people blindness; overcoming biases and developing a deeper understanding of the needs of communities living near LRPs and amongst the LRPs
• Enthusiasm for becoming active agents of change and blessing within their own communities, especially for those coming from LRPs.

One of the participants from an LRPs said:
‘From mission field to mission force. As someone from an LRP, this concept has ignited my curiosity. Numerous missionaries have attempted to reach my people group, and now I feel called to be a part of this endeavor—to share the good news and make a significant impact in my community. The course dispelled all my uncertainties about surrendering completely to God and reaffirmed my purpose on earth for His glory.’
In another course, a participant summarized their experience as:
‘This has been an experience of a lifetime. Understanding the challenges and opportunities of living as a Christian lays a crucial foundation for our journey with Christ. This initial stage feels like an awakening, illuminating our path. We have been blessed and aspire to be a blessing to others.’
The testimonies shared by the participants, Youth Kairos teams, and collaborating local churches and organizations have opened numerous opportunities for youth mobilization across the country. We eagerly anticipate witnessing not only the mobilization of young individuals but also the expansion of the tribe of young mobilizers under God’s guidance.