Simply Mobilizing is all about seeing every believer living a life on mission with God, and every church a missional church, facilitating God’s people into a missional lifestyle.

Living a life on
mission with God

Our Courses

Programs for church leaders


Courses for churches

Mobi Matters

As the world changes at a rapid pace and the way we do missions continues to evolve, how does the practice of mobilization evolve along with it? Read insights and reflections from our mobilizers.

What's New?

Christmas Message

It is hard to believe that Christmas 2024 is just around the corner. We truly thank God for this very special year in which Marion and I have seen Him at work. It has been a year of seeing God mobilize more teams to translate our SM courses into more languages. It has also been a special year of seeing our regions at their best with great in-person regional conferences in Europe, West Africa and Southeast Asia plus a great online conference

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Where We Are

12 Regions 100+ Countries

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