Simply Mobilizing is all about seeing every believer living a life on mission with God, and every church a missional church, facilitating God’s people into a missional lifestyle.

Living a life on
mission with God

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Courses for churches

Mobi Matters

As the world changes at a rapid pace and the way we do missions continues to evolve, how does the practice of mobilization evolve along with it? Read insights and reflections from our mobilizers.

What's New?

Report On Interface Seminar and Workshop

Over the past two months, I have conducted an interface seminar and workshop with a church in Manila, Philippines. The seminar was standard, and the Workshop continued our trialling process. The Pastors of this church were graduates of Kairos in the 1990s when mission mobilization was a revival movement in the Southern Philippines. Having pioneered a local church, Interface was the program they were now looking for. I conducted the Seminar with seventy-eight of their church leaders. The response was

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