Empowered to Influence (ETI) began as a seminar, designed to activate believers into being effective salt and light. Since its start, it has begun to grow into a global movement that expands the Kingdom of God into all spheres of society.
The aim of Empowered to Influence as a movement is two-fold:
The first is to see ministries taking place in communities. The second, which is the outcome of the former, is to see Godly influence being outworked in communities.
The first fold aim encompasses the following points:
1. Expression of kingdom values
Often, we see ministry as specific activities, like being involved in worship or evangelistic projects, teaching in Sunday school, or leading youth church. They can include participating in charity for the poor, going on mission trips, and many others.
But ministry is not just about activities. In fact, ministry is first and foremost a lifestyle—a lifestyle that expresses kingdom values that reach and bless those around us. Activities are but an extension of this lifestyle of ministry.
2. Believers building strong friendships with non-believers
Most Christians’ circles of close friends are made up of believers. However, salt and light have to be lived out amongst non-believers, which is why I encourage believers to build strong friendships with non-believers. (For a start, you can work on building friendships with at least three non-believers.)
3. Mentoring of believers
It is important for believers to mentor other believers, particularly in areas of life that one has lived through with God. Raising kingdom believers (salt and light) is not limited to simply attending training or seminars; kingdom believers are raised through a journey they walked and having mentors who guide and walk with believers help tremendously in raising them. I encourage all believers to mentor three believers in their journey through life.
4. Indigenous community fellowship
Gather like-minded believers in your community to meet and share on a regular basis. This spiritual and emotional support keeps believers on course as effective salt and light. A good way to start would be to meet regularly as a group, to pray for one another and your community. Over time, with God’s leading, the fellowship will take shape in ways that He desires.
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