East Asia Kicks Off Trial for New SM Franchise Training
Simply MobilizingOctober 2021
As Simply Mobilizing evolves as a movement, so do its many moving parts. Having recently updated its Mission, Vision, Values and Distinctives, it was only a matter of time before Simply Mobilizing’s key training programs followed suit.
The training of New Nations Coordination Teams (NNCTs) and Coordination Teams (CTs) within a country is essential to developing a structure which can support mobilization in a country. The reviewed CT trainings – now referred to as Franchise Training – now include the new SM Mission, Vision, Values, and Distinctives, and has taken a collaborative effort to develop. It is designed to reflect how Simply Mobilizing is growing, the direction it is now heading, and what that means for our teams all around the world.

In September, a number of key SM leaders from different countries in the East Asia region gathered on Zoom to take a first look at the new Franchise Training through a trial training. The trial included a team of seven international trainers, and was attended by 60 persons representing the leadership teams in Hong Kong, China, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, and Korea.
The trial training – the first of many, and which is meant to help Simply Mobilizing develop the Franchise Training even further – was met with a positive response from the East Asia participants. East Asia, as a region, has some well-developed national teams – the participants appreciated the new perspective that the revised training brings.
One of the main points of engagement was the revised SM Operations Manuals, and what it means for teams to strengthen the stakes (Isaiah 54:2) to better support growth and expansion. As our current global situation changes, day to day, this was an especially relevant discussion.
Some next steps from the training include further revision and more trials (beginning next month) and next year to roll out the training to all countries.
Please continue to keep Simply Mobilizing and its teams in prayer as each global region team prayerfully undergoes each training, and takes the next steps to further grow what God is doing, through the SM movement, in their region.