Feature Articles

Does the World Christian Movement Need a Fourth Era?
Max W. Chismon
The late Dr. Ralph Winter identified three eras of the modern missionary movement: the coastlands, the inlands, and the hidden peoples or unreached peoples, together with the pioneers of those movements, William Carey and Hudson Taylor of the first and second eras, respectively, and Donald McGavran and Cameron Townsend of the third era! Read More…
The following two articles were written by Max Chismon and Linda Harding respectively. Both Max and Linda were invited to write these articles on Mobilization for a Romanian mission magazine (Noi Frontiere) as a result of conducting several successful SM Mobilization gatherings in Romania at the end of 2016. Max writes on the Biblical basis of mobilization, and Linda follows up with an article on the practical response to engaging with God on mission in Romania in light of the unprecedented opportunities for cross-cultural mission in Romania today. Linda’s message however is just as relevant to the Church in so many countries throughout the whole of Europe, as it is in Romania, in fact, it is relevant to the Church in so much of our world today!
We trust you enjoy these two articles!
Mobilization and the Bible
Max W. Chismon
Mobilization is not a Biblical word but it is a very powerful Biblical idea. God’s people have been called to be on mission with God. Mobilization is all about ensuring that God’s people, in each and every generation, join with Him on mission to the peoples and the people of the world. The importance of the ministry of mobilization is impossible to exaggerate.Read More…
Unprecedented Opportunities in Today’s Europe
Linda Harding
As Max Chismon shared in his article, “We cannot exaggerate the importance of all God’s people being mobilized into mission with God…” God has a bigger and greater purpose, and invites us to join with Him in bringing His kingdom here on earth, to participate with God’s mission to all peoples (Matthew 28:20) and to every person (Mark 16:15).Read More…