The Story of the Bible Zoominar now Ongoing!
Simply MobilizingApril 2022
The Story of the Bible (TSB) Zoominar began last March 10 with 65 participants from the SM family from all over the world. This seminar is a preview of the upcoming Story of the Bible course, which SMI hopes to launch next year for local churches!

This particular series of The Story of the Bible is designed for SM Mobilizers with key mobilizing insights revealed in each session. The Story of the Bible is a story about God on mission and as Moses was the first of some forty different writers, writing to prepare the Children of Israel, to live a life on mission with God, Moses was also God’s very first Mobilizer. The entire Bible therefore, says Max Chismon (the presenter of this series), becomes a story of God on mission and God on mission with his people.
‘Enlightening’. ‘Insightful’. ‘Empowering’. These are just some of the comments that participants have made during the early session.
Excitement is growing and expectations are mounting as we move from one session to the next – now approaching session five. It seems as if we are on a journey – a journey of discovery and all the while being enthralled at the marvellous wonders of God and his work.
Here are just some of the participants’ feedback:
“I am challenged with the concept of the story of the Bible beginning with Moses, after Israel left Egypt. The missional message of Genesis being recorded (written) by a mobilizer (Moses).”
“It is very good material, profound teaching. I can see why understanding the story of the Bible is important for us as mobilizers and for all believers in shaping how we read God’s Word and how we grow as believers, being on mission with God.”
“The Bible is not about the story of God but is a story of God on mission and with His people. If we read the Bible, based on this context, we can align our lives with God’s purpose.”
“I so appreciated how Elohim and Yahweh were revealed (title and name) and explained within the 2 creation stories (Gen 1 and Gen 2) and how they relate to the Great Commission.”
“The sub-topics and diagrammatic explanation are excellent.”