Youth Kairos Moves Participants in Portugal
Timo RaasimaMay 2022
From 11-14th of April this spring, I had the privilege of launching Youth Kairos in Portugal. The course was held in Vida Abudante Igreja Crista in Lisbon, and we had 21 young people from three different churches participating. Our facilitating team consisted of 3 local facilitators, and besides me, Adrian Bratosin from Romania also helped with the course.

For me it was such an encouraging week to see the impact of YK in the lives of participants in such a short time. I was delighted to see good and meaningful conversations taking place throughout the course regarding our purpose in this world and the mission of God. Once again young people showed their creativity and passion through the different activities. One highlight of the course was the creative prayer activity. It was truly amazing to see these young people praying for the unreached people groups with such a passion!
In the closing session, a 12-year old participant shared how she now understands that God wants to use her dreams for His glory. This was a big reminder for me to never underestimate young people and how much they can contribute. Young people truly have a special part to play.
Good days are ahead for youth mobilization in Europe!
Here are the feedback from some of the participants:
“It made me worship God more”
“During this course I learned more about missions and that we have to reach the least reached peoples. We must spread the word of God all over the world and all over the country”
“It made me reflect and better understand God’s purpose in my life”
“It helped me remember that we should have God’s mission at the center of every area of our lives”
“It was a spectacular experience that gave us the opportunity to learn more about the word of God.”