Visions, Dreams, and Prophecies – Standard New Testament Practice!

Visions, dreams and prophecies feature prominently in the prophecy that launched the Church age (Ac 2:17-18).

What is their significance to the outworking of the gospel going to the ends of the earth? And what is their significance to the ‘ministry of all believers’ which Joel’s prophecy establishes?

Well, the answer is very simple! God wants to work through us – and how can He possibly do so without communicating with us? Visions, dreams and prophecies are all about God communicating His will to His people! The Great Commission is not about us ‘doing our best’. We were always meant to work ‘with God,’ not ‘for God’. Jesus doesn’t follow us and bless our good intentions – we follow Him and engage in God inspired works. Those are the works He promises to bless! “Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me” (in this fashion) Jn 12:26. What ‘Christ sent’ vision fills your heart and mind? What Holy Spirit dream are you living to fulfill? What prophecy do you keep hearing over and over again as you read God’s word, pray and worship? What area of kingdom ministry would you/do you sacrifice for and spend your time and energy on?

If you have such a vision, dream and prophecy, don’t rush off to your Pastor, all excited, because he will simply look at you and say, ”So what, what’s the big deal, that’s what you are meant to have. This is normal Christian living. This is the way God intended the New Testament to work. That’s why the Holy Spirit was given to all God’s people. We are all supposed to have visions, dreams and prophecies. This is not the exception, this is the rule!” On the other hand, if you don’t have a vision, dream or prophecy then by all means go to your Pastor because something is tragically wrong! Seek help because this is not how the New Testament is supposed to work!

The New Testament is about, all of us, being clothed with the Holy Spirit, and through visions, dreams and prophecies knowing exactly what God wants us to do and empowered by the Holy Spirit, succeeding and being fruitful in these endeavors! This is the way the world Christian movement was meant to progress and grow from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth. With 600 million believers in the world today, one can only imagine what would happen if the risen Christ was able to continue, through all His people, as He had purposed, the amazing ministry he began while on earth. The book of Acts does not end with an Amen! The Amen comes when Christ returns!

If what we read in the Book of Acts is not wide spread in all nations today, the problem is most certainly not with God! So where might the problem lie? What do you think?