Category: Latest News

Simply Mobilizing Europe Unites in Helsinki

Simply Mobilizing Europe Unites in Helsinki

Last May 10-12, SM Europe gathered in the vibrant city of Helsinki, Finland, for an impactful three-day event. With over sixty participants representing twenty countries and spanning five generations, the conference aimed to strengthen the tribe of mobilizers through relationships and networking. The gathering was not just a meeting but a pivotal moment for growth […]

Simply Mobilizing Launches Interface and Kairos in Belize

Simply Mobilizing Launches Interface and Kairos in Belize

Recently, the ministry of Simply Mobilizing marked a significant milestone in Belize with the launch of two SM products – Interface in Spanish and Kairos in English. This exciting development saw enthusiastic participation and highlighted the growing mobilization movement in this culturally rich nation. The Interface seminar, held in Dangriga on June 22, gathered 11 […]

Youth Kairos Unveils Life’s Purpose and Role in God’s Story to Young Participants

Youth Kairos Unveils Life’s Purpose and Role in God’s Story to Young Participants

During Holy Week, three Youth Kairos courses took place in different regions of the Philippines, with 20, 57, and 63 participants attending each session respectively. Participants shared that they gained clarity regarding their life’s purpose and their part in God’s story. There is a great sense of appreciation to be part of God’s workforce in […]

Interface Seminar yields Phenomenal Outcomes!

Interface Seminar yields Phenomenal Outcomes!

Recently, 42 delegates from the Full Gospel Church Network in Johannesburg, South Africa, completed the Interface Seminar. Twenty-seven of the delegates consequently signed up for procedural training for Interface. They have also committed to a two-year transitional pathway to becoming a missional church. Keith Koster, National Coordinator for South Africa and Global Region Coordinator for […]

Promising Testimonies from The Unfinished Story for Youth (TUSfY) Trials

Promising Testimonies from The Unfinished Story for Youth (TUSfY) Trials

From October 2023-March 2024, we launched and trialled a new course, The Unfinished Story for Youth (TUSfY), across many regions and countries. Here are a few testimonies from those trials: USA “Those who participated were very engaged from the start of Session 1 until the closing of Session 5. There were no dull moments whatsoever. […]

SM Launch in Georgia

SM Launch in Georgia

Just 5 months ago we had the wonderful SM conference in Thailand. This was an amazing opportunity to network with the SM family worldwide. One such “networking” conversation happened over a tea break, which resulted in us forming a team to launch SM in Georgia. It was really special to work together with Facilitators from […]

Empowered to Influence Captivates Large Audiences

Empowered to Influence Captivates Large Audiences

Beginning January, the Empowered to Influence (ETI) courses in the Philippines witnessed remarkable progress, reflecting a growing enthusiasm for transformative growth within communities. At Hilongos Fundamental Baptist Church, this course drew in 91 eager participants. Additionally, two online ETI courses engaged pastors and leaders from other provinces. Ken Chua, the developer of ETI, offered invaluable […]

From Boras to the Balkans

From Boras to the Balkans

Last January, Mika Kosonen, SM Europe Global Region Coordinator and National Coordinator for Sweden, successfully launched the inaugural The Unfinished Story for Youth (TUSfY) with the enthusiastic participation of 17 attendees aged 13 to 25 in Borås. Among them were youth pastors, leaders, students, and teenagers representing various regions including Umeå, Eskilstuna, Gothenburg, Borås, as […]