The Church in Africa is Awakening

The Church in Africa is Awakening
The first ever Simply Mobilizing Africa Conference is now over. It not only met our expectations – it greatly exceeded them!
Youth Kairos
The first Youth Kairos course in West Africa started during the week prior to the Conference. Bianca, our Youth Kairos Coordinator, makes the following comments: “It was an incredible experience for Christy (South Africa), myself, and nine trainee African facilitators when we conducted the Youth Kairos (YK) for thirty young people from Ghana (and a few from Ethiopia and the Gambia).
“The vibrancy of the African culture is like none other in the world and, coupled with the energy of youth and a passionate love for Jesus, they quickly captured God’s heart for mission and saw ways they could be involved in blessing the nations right where they lived.

“The future of YK in Africa is in good hands, and with 200 million young people between 15 and 24 in Africa (the youngest population in the world), the future looks very exciting and fruitful!”
The SM Africa Conference
Following the Youth Kairos, 240 participants gathered at the same venue in Accra, Ghana, for the Conference itself.
The majority of participants were Kairos facilitators, with many coming from countries that have just recently opened up for mobilization through the Kairos course. Countries represented were: Ghana, Egypt, Sudan, Kenya, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Uganda, Gambia, Nigeria, Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast. We were also pleased that a large number of pastors and church leaders were also present.

Conference Highlights:
- The participation of God and his tangible presence at the Conference from beginning to end.
- The plenary sessions delivered by our African leaders who accurately and passionately delivered the SM message of “all God’s people involved in mission with God, and local churches becoming truly missional churches”
- The enthusiastic buy-in to the mission message by the large number of pastors present (some representing oversight over very large networks of churches).
- All participants and their enthusiastic commitment to seeing the SM movement grow in their respective countries.
- The incredible organization by the Conference organizers who overcame so many challenges to put on a very impressive and well-organized Conference.

A very special congratulations to Ebenezer (Global Regional Coordinator) and Daniel (National Coordinator for Ghana) and their amazing team of tireless and highly committed team workers.
A very special thanks to all who contributed from within Africa and from around the world to make this Conference the success it truly was.
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