Hopeful Invitations: Online Kairos in the UK Continues

Hopeful Invitations: Online Kairos in the UK Continues
Victor’s landlord has given him unceasing requests to watch cricket with him. The landlord is of a different culture, and since taking the online Kairos course, Victor’s perspective on this request has drastically shifted.
The UK has run its fourth online Kairos Course since the lockdown there began. Snowballing from the first course and into the succeeding ones, each online Kairos has built on the next, as former participants mobilize their spouses, friends, colleagues, and church members to take part.
The majority of participants have been African Diaspora Christians, but the current courses include English participants, former missionaries to Africa, a Filipino pastor, and an MBB.
Week after week, new learnings and excitement permeated the (virtual) room, as family members of participants from previous courses come together to learn more of God’s heart for the nations. Sam Ngugi writes about some of the highlights of the online course, including “seeing passionate church leaders rallying their members to take the course,” and “the MBB participant challenging fellow Christians to actively evangelise the UK without fear.”
Here are a few stories from those who have participated in the Kairos:
Caroline: An invitation to pray and give
Before Kairos, I saw the Great Commission as someone else’s responsibility. I justified myself by saying that ‘evangelism was not my calling.’ I was also only passionate about praying for those close to me.
After going through Kairos, I see the Great Commission as a command from Jesus, which must be obeyed like all the other commands in the Bible. I see myself as the person that God is waiting on to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth. I have started talking about this command to my children, family and every Christian that I get a chance to speak to.
I am now also very conscious of my prayers and I am constantly reflecting on whether I am concentrating on the top line part of the blessing, or both the top line and bottom line. I have also started to budget for both top line and bottom line giving. Before, I would only tithe and give an offering in my local church, but Kairos has enabled me to have a wider vision of what God wants to do in the world and not just in my local community.
I am particularly interested in giving towards Bible translation so that every people group around the world can read the word of God in a language that they understand. Kairos has really been an eye-opener for me and I pray that the fire it has ignited in me will continue to burn and get even more intense.
Victor: An invitation to cricket
It was amazing to see that from Genesis to Revelation, God speaks about “nations” and the “peoples of the earth” in a passionate way. I must unlearn seeing things from my perspective, my church, my tribe, my country etc. God’s desire is that we have his perspective, because ALL nations—whatever their tribe or language are precious to him.
I will be deliberate in learning more about my landlord’s culture … and I intend to start sharing the gospel with him once the Covid-19 lockdown is over. He is a great sport to hang out with and I will yield to his unceasing requests for me to join him in watching cricket. I will take keen interest in his culinary skills which he boasts of all the time.
Juliet: An invitation to dinner
Before I did the Kairos course, I used to resent Ms*, but after the Kairos course, I have bonded and developed very close relationships with them. Twice now, they have invited me to their house for dinner. I quite enjoyed the dinner and their company, and [now] I am the next one to cook halal chicken and invite them [to my place] too.
If you would like to experience an online Kairos course, contact us at the Global Desk, and we’ll get you in touch with a team close to you.
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