Simply Mobilizing Southern African Consultation

Simply Mobilizing Southern African Consultation
In keeping with the SMI program of conducting Global Regional SM gatherings, the SM Southern African Global Region recently hosted what we called the “Indaba.”
Indaba is a Zulu word meaning “business”, often used for describing a consultation or get together for serious discussion. This Indaba was held at a beautiful Conference Centre on the Vaal river (100km outside Johannesburg, SA) in the first week of February, 2017. Included was a training and upskilling session on the Mobi 101 program, a program designed as part one of the ‘SM mobilizers pathway’ or what is called the ‘M1 Pathway’.
We were blessed to have a real leadership representation from all the countries in our region, who travelled by road, some over several days, to the venue, from Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Mozambique. South African representation was also good. In total we had over 60 delegates as well as 16 additional guests who attended the special pastors Brunch on the Wednesday.
We were honored and grateful to have as our guest and key note speaker, Max Chismon, who ensured that the flow of information and relevance to our purpose was maintained throughout the three days of facilitating, teaching and sharing. Although hot and humid at times, the delegates were always attentive and relaxed in his company. Many new lights went on in the hearts and minds of those present. We were all very excited with the enthusiastic buy-in to the Simply Mobilizing message and movement.
The formation of a Southern African Regional Team was initiated and a first meeting was held on the final evening. All involved are looking forward to unity and partnership amongst our countries.
All praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, without whom there would be no meaning to such an event. Thank You Lord for Your constant hand over our time together and Your input into each delegates life.
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